1. The zebra shot is amazing, I think it’s the best photo from the trip so far! Looks like you are learning, enjoying & documenting the trip very well!

  2. Molly, your trip and pictures are wonderful! I shared the zebra with my k class yesterday and they were so amazed-I just thought-maybe the children from both schools could start kind of a penpal exchange?
    Have a great time and experience-so proud of you!xoxo

    1. thank you so much, debbie!! that’s amazing!! i am not sure about the penpal thing – but if you shoot me an email, i could probably get you connected with someone who might know! 🙂

  3. Great post Molly – and I can’t imagine seeing wild zebras in real life, how cool! I’m pretty sure my John would have taken the same approach and chased them. I love seeing all the photos of the kids as well, when I was a senior in high school my mom sister and I participated in a mission trip to visit an Indian Reservation in SD and help paint houses/build a center for kids. It was such an amazing and fulfilling experience and I was mesmerized by the children I encountered! Sorry about your chin (hope it feels better) but glad you made it back safely despite the rain and a flat tire!


  4. I love hearing these updates! So, so amazing what you are doing. Love that first photo of the zebra…how very, very cool. I hope your jaw is okay…I had no idea that duck, duck goose could be so dangerous! Your photos are amazing and you are an inspiration!

  5. It must be so nice to see the money that you send being put to uses like schools and water. I can only imagine that would make you want to increase your donations. How wonderful. I’m so glad to see how much you’re enjoying yourself and getting from the trip!

  6. I too am loving your updates. You and your team members are doing amazing things and it inspires me to want to do what I can to serve. I may not make it to Kenya but I am sure if I look, and not too hard, I will find something in my own backyard can make a small difference. Be blessed!

  7. Thanks for the updates, Molly! I’m following both the blogs for this trip and it sounds like you guys are having some amazing adventures. Glad things worked out in getting back to the hotel today, but I am sure that the people of Kiria would have welcomed you into their homes if you had been forced to stay the night. It really sounds like newhope has forged some strong bonds there. Keep up the great work!

    (Oh, FYI: Rafiki is both singular and plural, so no need for the “s” on the end; the plural form of Mzungu is Wazungu; and chapatti is actually an Indian dish that was transported to East Africa via trade).

  8. I love these updates Molly. The childrens singing warmed my heart right up…love the progress with the new classroom and fresh water for the children. Simply amazing.


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