1. Your photos of the children make me miss Africa (Uganda) the most. I was there in 2004 for a mission trip, and I have basically thought of it every single day since. It is hard to put into words that kind of feeling. 🙂 Anyway, I totally understand the name thing: I spent 2 weeks being called Stephen or Stiffin or Stiffney … totally worth it though. 🙂

    1. oh thank you so much for your comment, tiffany! i know you know how it feels – it’s hard to explain to someone who hasn’t been there. it’s TOTALLY worth it! 🙂

  2. So sorry to hear about the night watchman, but I am so proud of all the work you and the church team have done. It’s simply amazing and I am sure that it means A lo to all the women, men, children, and families.

  3. I’m amazed that you’ve kept up with blogging while on your trip! Sad to hear about the watchman… Hope you have a good rest of the trip and safe travels back!

  4. Really enjoying your updates Molly. Hoping for a quick recovery for the watchman and that the thieves are caught. Wishing you safety on the rest of your trip.



  5. Praying for David healing and for your team. I pray that the team enjoys the safari and takes in the beautiful that is surrounding you. I know it is hard to transition between life in the village and life at the safari. I pray for those you come in contact with, although it is hard not to have hard feelings towards those “vacationing” I hope that the team can be a testiment to God’s enduring love. Let God surround you and comfort you with his love.

  6. that is horrible! i hope he is ok and that the horrible people who did it are caught! on a brighter note, happy birthday to your hubby and i am loving all of your pictures! what a great trip!

  7. I’m sorry to hear about those thieves – when I hear about stuff like that, it makes me wonder what happened to those people to make them like that, and it really makes me sad. I hope David recovers soon!

    Sea and Swank

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