My mission is simple: to inspire you to know you were created on purpose, with a purpose, for a purpose.
I’m Molly and I’m so glad you’re here. Welcome to my internet “living room.” Looking for inspiration? A laugh? Hope? A Chipotle lunch date? Whatever it is, I hope you feel welcome here.

My life dream was to be on Saturday Night Live… and now I live on a Farm.
This is my family. I’m married to John and we have two kids here on earth, Lilly and Amos, and two perfect boys in heaven, Elijah and Malachi. We have two dogs, Tater (the white dog pictured here), and a farm dog named Fanny Crosby (not pictured). The black dog in the photo is my dog Audrey who passed away last year and we miss her dearly. Our farm, Selah Farm, was started in late 2020 and we have barn cats, chickens, ducks, geese, guinea fowl, and goats. We also raise our own pasture raised meat chickens and turkeys! We are hoping to add sheep and a dairy cow in the future. We also grow a lot of our own food and are working to steward the land well. It’s also never a dull moment around here, I can tell you that much.

Tacos & Burritos
Favorite food
Favorite place
Favorite Drink
Favorite Movie

How exactly did I end up here?
I started blogging in college on LiveJournal. (Remember that? It was a whole lot of Dashboard Confessional lyrics and was incredibly emo.) In 2007, I moved to WordPress and wanted to bring joy to people through my satirical writing. I wanted to be the next version of “The Onion,” if you can believe it. Then, over the years, the content began to change. I started sharing more about my life and suddenly I realized that there were people reading this blog that weren’t just my dad and my sister. So, while the content certainly changed over the last 13+ years, the mission certainly has not. True joy from within looks different than I thought it once did. When you step into this little space, I genuinely want you to feel like you’re hanging out with a dear friend. So, what are you going to find here? Here I’ll talk about everything from ethical fashion and clean beauty, to my passion for ending human trafficking, child sponsorship with Compassion International, clean beauty (and my favorite mascaras!), real food and some easy recipes, my life as a wife and mom, and so much more. I pray you’re encouraged.