#422 – The Power (and Theology) of Gratitude

Today, I wanted to talk about something that’s been on my heart lately: gratitude. With Thanksgiving right around the corner, my family and I started a new tradition this year-a gratitude wall in our living room. Every day, we write down things we’re thankful for, and it’s sparked some really meaningful conversations with our kids about seeing God’s blessings in our lives.
Gratitude has the power to change us. So, this week, I wanted to chat about what a biblical approach to Thanksgiving truly looks like.
Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving with your loved ones, and I’ll see you back here in December!
2:14– The Theology Of Gratitude
- Gratitude is a response to who God is
- God is the giver of every blessing in our lives
- Gratitude is an act of worship
7:00 – Practical Expressions Of Gratitude
- Having a heart that acknowledges God
- Gratitude through worship
- Gratitude through action
10:38 – Gratitude During Difficult Seasons
- Psalm 34:1
- Trusting God’s presence and promises
- How are you practicing gratitude this season?
“Even when life- especially right now, heading into the holiday season- feels chaotic, God’s goodness and His love is constant, and so it gives us this reason to be thankful.”
“Gratitude is…an act of worship. It’s a way that we acknowledge God’s rightful place in our lives as Lord and King.”
“Gratitude isn’t just what we say. Gratitude is how we live… It’s our it’s our words and our actions- word and deed- coming together.”