Since Facebook now allows you to tag other users in posts INSIDE Facebook – (I’m too tired to explain it here, – here’s a great Mashable post about Facebook status tagging) – many Facebook users are treating Facebook status updates much like they would Twitter tweets.

So what are we, as Facebook users to do, if we want to repost and/or share Facebook status update we like? I’m calling it now. Or at least I hope I am – I haven’t heard anyone else call this yet. I’m trying to get on the ball right away.
Instead of a RETWEET (RT: a reposting of a tweet on Twitter) from here on out, a post of another user’s Facebook status will be called the RFB – a REFACEBOOK.
Here’s how it works:
- Step ONE: You see a Facebook status you like. Identify said Facebook status
- Step TWO: Highlight Facebook status. COPY Facebook status by either using the “Copy” feature in Edit or by hitting Apple C or CNTL C on a PC
- Step THREE: Paste copied Facebook status in YOUR OWN PERSONAL status bar
- Step FOUR: Tag the originator of the post by tying the “@” symbol and identifying the individual (see aforementioned post about Facebook tagging above)
- Step FIVE: Say RFB to indicate that this is a REFACEBOOK. Example: RFB: John Smith said a really cool thing that I support and/or think is funny so I want to RFB it, yo.
- Step SIX: Be awesome.
It’s genius. I love it. Who doesn’t?
So, spread the word. See a Facebook status update you like? Copy and paste it, @ tag the person who first said it, and RFB it! YAY REFACEBOOKING.
It’s the little pleasures in life.
Molly…having trouble subscribing to your blog. When I click the RSS feed for entries I get a huge text file. Any thoughts?
Great…another thing I have to learn.