Nursery Color Inspiration (I need your help!) + 19 Weeks!
As you may very well know, John and I are not finding out the sex of our baby. AH! I know, right? Trust me, I am dying to know, but I know that the surprise in the end will be TOTALLY worth it.
Well, we’re in the process of starting to think about our NURSERY and, well, I really want to prove that gender neutral nursery’s don’t have to be boring! They don’t have to be “conventional” – and so John and I decided on the theme for our nursery and we are so excited.
If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you know how much Kenya means to us. I’ve been back twice and my husband came with me this year and a huge chunk of my heart is in that community of Kiria. Well, I’ve taken A LOT of photos on my trips back to Kenya, and we thought what better than to do a KENYAN-THEMED nursery?
We’re going to blow up photos I’ve taken and put them on canvases or large prints and hang them around the nursery. And what better way to tell our child about Kenya and the people and our experiences AND the animals than to surround him or her with photos and memorabilia?
Well, although I have photos picked out, we still have not settled on an overall color palette for the room. And so, I’ve gathered a few of my favorite photos that I’ve taken in Kenya and made color palettes out of them for inspiration.
So, I want to know: which one is your favorite?
[Option ONE: The Crowned Crane]
[Option TWO: The Watering Hole]
[Option THREE: Zebras]
[Option FOUR: Tiny Santa]
Side note: this is probably my favorite photo I’ve ever taken. I took it through the window of our bus on the way to the village one day and I just love the story it tells.
So seriously, which one is YOUR favorite? What do you think would look best in the nursery?
Now for my 19 week update!
How far along: 19 weeks!
How big is baby: An heirloom tomato or small cantaloupe
Weight gain: At the doctor’s last week it looks like I’m right on track at about 10 pounds.
Sleeping: Sleep? BAH!
Food cravings: This kid loves milk, ice cream, cheese – anything dairy. But my latest craving this week has been blueberry waffles with powdered sugar on top! NOM NOM NOM!
Food aversions: Still no desire to eat Tokyo Express. Sad times.
Symptoms: Pretty much all the same.
Doctor’s appointment: We go for our anatomy scan next Thursday! I had my 18 week checkup last week and the baby’s heartbeat was steady at 140.
Wedding Rings: Still on!
Movement: On and off. Nothing consistent yet, but when I ate [B]Ski’s for lunch this week the baby was moving like CRAZY afterwards. It’s really all hit or miss.
Best moment of the week: My mother-in-law is coming to visit tonight so I’m really looking forward to spending time with her!
What I’m looking forward to: Our anatomy scan next week! YAY!
What I did / Got for baby: My new mom car!
What I learned this week: The baby can yawn, smile, and frown in the womb right now. SO CUTE.
Prayer requests: Still praying for sleep and better rest. I’m just dragging all the time. I also would love continued prayer for the health of the baby – I’m still in that stage where I’m just so careful about everything and I just want this baby to be strong and healthy.
I’m back and forth between zebra and watering hole…they’re both awesome!
whoops. think I posted twice. Sorry, lady!
Hey lovely,
Did you pick one? This is a really neat idea. 🙂
I love the Watering Hole and Tiny Santa.
Have you selected one yet? This is a neat idea. 🙂
we’ve narrowed it down to Tiny Santa and Crowned Crane. 🙂
Watering Hole or Tiny Santa are my two favorites!!! What great pictures and color palettes!
Hi Molly,
I vote for #2 because it is the most soothing. Call me traditonal but I think the baby’s room should be a restful place. I hope you are feeling well!
thank you so much, lisa! i totally agree 😉
I like them all, but my favorite was the watering hold color combination; with the Zebra a close second. Christopher and I also opted to not find out the gender of little Baby Rice! It has been extremely hard and many people are calling us crazy for doing so. But, I know come his/her birthday it will all be worth it and then some!
that’s AWESOME! yay!!!! best surprise ever!!
I am no help…I love them all!!
hahaha you see my predicament now?
I vote for zebra colors!
thank you so much for the feedback, rebecca!! 🙂
I like the crowned crane! They are all great pictures, but I like the color schemes the best for the crowned crane for a neutral nursery. Purple always makes me thing girl… And the blues and greens make me think boy. Just my thoughts 🙂
thank you so much for the feedback, jen!
love them all! maybe watering hole? oh man so many great choices!
thank you so much for the feedback, nicole!!
I love the bold colors of the crane scheme, but I LOVE that Zebra picture! I like those colors too, but would probably opt for a brighter green and maybe a yellow instead of the purple, to brighten it up a bit? I’m sure whatever you do will look great though!
aw thank you so much for the feedback, erica!! i pulled the purple from the flowers the zebras were eating, but i definitely think a yellow could be a great addition!
I like the crowned crane colors the best! But I think the other photos are more story-telling. Depends on what’s more important to you 🙂
aw thank you so much for the feedback, deanna!!
Tiny Santa! Super fun and happy and bright.
thank you so much for the feedback, kristin!!
i love that one, too, stephanie!
I love the watering hole pic!! So pretty!
thank you so much for the feedback, carly!
This pictures are beautiful!!! What a great idea to do a kenyan themed nursery. I am in LOVE with the zebra thing. I think babies in purple are the cutest thing ever, boy or girl :o)
thank you so much for the feedback, liz!!! you are so sweet.
The Crowned Crane…definitely. It has the perfect balance of neutrals and pops of color (especially the red and chartreuse). I could also see you an outfit using these colors 🙂
thank you so much for the feedback, michelle!!!
Having your nursery be Kenyan is adorable! I love the first color palate!
aw thank you so much, susannah!
oh one more reason to do zebra or crane or even watering hole is because little kids LOVE animals when they learn language. they identify animals by the sounds they make. so a good portion of my daughters vocab at 18 months is focused on animals and we look at their pics together and make the sounds.
I love the 2nd and 3rd set of colors. Some of it will be determined by the availability of baby stuff in that color. For instance, I love orange but could not find much orange baby stuff anywhere. Like sheets … tend to only come in certain colors. Also my greatest advice is to get fabrics that clean easily or are spill proof AND do not get a lot of solid colored furniture which will show stains. Babies spit up, A LOT and breastmilk stains, so count on it getting pretty much everywhere. Then once they go to formula or regular milk, that also can stain or leave a mark. Here is a post I did on my daughters, non girly room
SUCH great advice, julie. thank you so so so much!!! thank you for sharing your post!!
Watering hole is my fav!
i love that one, too! thank you so much for the feedback, krissy!
I’m voting for watering hole or tiny santa!!!
thank you so much for the feedback, happy!!!
All of your pictures are so stunning and I think any one you go with will be an excellent choice! I love the fun colors and originality and they are all perfectly gender-neutral! However, my fave has to be the zebras because 1) zebras are awesome and 2) I can’t get over how perfect that picture is! It should be a postcard!
aw thank you so much for the feedback, miranda!!!
Zebra FTW, cute pregnant lady!!!!
yes!! thank you so much for the feedback, clare!!
I love this idea for your nursery – SO cute and original. I think the zebras are my favorite, though I really like all of these photos/color palettes; you took some really beautiful photos!
Sea and Swank
aw thank you so much for the feedback, susie!!!
A Kenyan themed nursery?! What a fabulous idea! I know I’ve said this before, but I love these baby updates. It’s definitely a great way for your readers to feel like they know you. Also, definitely zebra!
aw thank you so much for the feedback, lacey!! you are so sweet.
The zebra colors is my fav BUT I think the bright colors in the Tiny Santa might be more appealing to the baby. Have a great weekend, Molly!
The Tiny Heart
Avon Giveaway!
thank you so much for the feedback, sharon!
I love the Zebra and the Crane! Any of those colors would make any baby HAPPY 🙂
God’s Blessings!
<3 Kara
I love the Zebra and the Crane! The colors would make any baby so HAPPY 🙂
aw thank you so much for the feedback, kara!!
OMG Yes Yes Yes!!! I have a similar idea for our nursery (whenever God blesses us with that joy) using illustrations and prints from the author/illustrator my mom works for (Steven Kellogg) and vintage toys. I love the crane and zebra! WONDERFUL IDEA.
LOVEEEEE that idea!!!!! aw thank you so much for the feedback, lins!!
Hello Molly – I too am pregnant – due in July – so I love reading up on your blog!
I love the Kenya theme. We are having a boy and having a robot nursery. We don’t want a “blue” nursery so we are thinking about at light grey and adding colors with artwork, pillows, etc… I think that would go nicely as well with your theme and the great photos!
awww thank you so much, jennifer!!! that is AWESOME! congrats on your bundle of joy! 🙂 🙂 robot will be ADORABLE!
I love this idea so much! I like the Crowned Crane and Zebra colors the best!
thank you so much for the feedback, jenn!!
Zebra DEFINITELY! The purple colors bring some calm and “sweetness” to the pallette. Second choice is watering hole. Beautiful!!!! 🙂 The colors of Africa are definitely the best 😉
agreed! Africa is so beautiful it makes it difficult to choose! 🙂 thank you so much for the feedback, lauren!
I like the zebra one. We painted my son’s nursery yellow and i love it. Good luck choosing a color.
thank you so much for the feedback, agi!!
Tiny Santa! Tiny Santa!!!
i think that’s my favorite, too 🙂 🙂
What a sweet, meaningful idea! I love either the watering hole or the tiny santa. Both would look great!
aw thank you so much, alyssa!! i love those!
What a wonderful idea for a nursery. Your baby is going to LOVE it. My favorite color palette is the Crane one, SO cute and perfect for a boy or a girl!
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
aw thank you so much, yi-chia! i love that one, too!
This is probably the most creative idea for a nursery I’ve ever seen. My first choice would be the zebras, and my second choice would be the crane. I hope you’ll post pictures of the nursery after it’s complete!
aw thank you so much for the feedback, darcy! and yes of course!! we will totally post pictures throughout the process. 🙂 i can’t WAIT to get started!!
Such a creative idea for decorating a nursery! I Love the crane palette with the fantastic pop of red! I think it would look great.
thank you so much for the feedback, kara!! we are so excited!
What an amazing idea for a nursery! All of the palettes are great, but I was drawn to the zebra and the crane palettes the most. Can’t wait to see which one you pick!
aw thank you so much for the feedback, lauren!!! 🙂 we are so excited about this part!
I love this idea! My vote (by a smidge) has to be for Tiny Santa – the picture seems like it might have a bit more meaning behind it and the colors that go with it are vibrant and fun, kind of like you, Momma Molly 🙂 I also really like the Zebra theme colors and the overall graphic nature of the photo. Sending prayers to you and the family.
i totally love the tiny santa, too. it’s so fun!! 🙂 and you are so sweet. thank you so much for the feedback, cantrelle!!
My pick is the Watering Hole – personally I prefer wider shots to close-ups, plus I like the softer colors that go with it! I hate the cartoony nursery themes – I love it when parents do something close to their hearts. What a wonderful idea for a nursery!
BUMP! So cute! 🙂 I will never get tired of baby bumps.
aw thank you so much for the feedback, catherine! 🙂 you are so sweet.
thank you so much for the feedback, celeste!! the zebra seems to be the crowd favorite now.
Option 2 – The Watering Hole is my fav!!
i love that one, too!! thank you so much for the feedback, meagan!
Zebra or crane! Love the color palettes and animals seem more baby-ish.
thank you so much for the feedback, katie!! i love them both!! 🙂
this first one is my favorite!! but I like all of them! 🙂 what a great idea for the nursery!! and I have always loved diary but even more now! not in the first trimester though – all I could eat was carbs. 🙂 but cheese, yogurt, milk I want it all the time!!
thank you so much for the feedback, katie!! 🙂 that’s so funny because all i wanted was carbs in the first trimester and now i want dairy all the time, too!!! uh oh maybe that means girl??? hahaha everyone thinks i’m having a boy. this guessing game is fun!
i think the last one is my fave……that is the most beautiful and creative idea ever…….that little bump doesn’t even know how awesome their mommy is yet!!!!
brooke @ what2wear
aww thank you, friend!! i can’t waittttttt till we get it all done!
I love the crane picture/color scheme! I think nurseries with grey walls are totally rad these days, and they always look really soothing and make all the colors POP so much! Also, as baby grows, the color is so easy to make into a “big kid” color!
i agree! grey is such a fun neutral color to play with. thank you so much for the feedback, lauren!
Crowning Crow or Zebra – or maybe a combo of the two. The energy of the crowning crow really draws me! Plus the large images of the animals will be easily identified by the baby early on! Add a crisp white/cream/or gray and use the selected colors for a more ‘graphic’ design. You have so many great ideas – have fun exploring them!
Best wishes!
thank you so much for the feedback, nicole!! i LOVEEEE both of those! 🙂 thank you so much!!
Zebra – but I’d replace the lighter blue with the deeper blue of the watering hole. Those wonderful blues…
thank you so much for the feedback, stephanie!!! i tried to pull the blue from the water in the last color, but i should try and pull a darker blue. i love it.
Tiny Santa for sure!!!!!!!!!
Pearls & Paws
thank you so much for the feedback, heather – that one is my favorite so far 🙂
I love the idea! You are so creative. Initially based on the picture I was thinking my favorite was the watering hole, but after looking at the colors that go with them, I’m gonna have to go with the zebra!
aw thank you so much for the feedback, rebecca!!! i love them all! so hard to pick.
I like the zebra color scheme.
thank you so much for the feedback, jodi! that one seems to be a crowd favorite!
LOVE the Zebra theme!
thank you so much for the feedback, erin! i love that one, too!!
I totally applaud you for waiting to find out! I love love love the zebra palette! Out of all of them, I think it’s a very subtle balance of the two genders without leaning too strongly either way! Great job pulling colors! That’s definitely something I wish were more of a strength of mine!
aw thank you so much for the feedback, annmarie!!!! i had so much fun making these. 🙂
I vote for the Zebra theme as well! Love the colors!! By the way – I think it’s GREAT you are going to wait to find out the gender!
i do LOVEEEE the zebra theme. it’s so hard to pick!! 🙂 thank you so much for the feedback, sara!
I couldn’t wait to find out… you have a lot more patience than I have! I like the “Little Santa” color scheme the best. To me, of the options, it looks the most gender neutral. I love that you’re using a theme that means so much to you and your husband. Your kid is going to have an awesome heart because it will have a wonderful set of parents to follow as an example!
we are so excited!! it’s going to be the best surprise! and i think Tiny Santa is my favorite, too. 🙂 we are looking forward to sharing this piece of our lives with the baby!!
My vote is for the Zebra! And, I can’t believe you’re not going to find out the sex, I would be going nuts!
thank you so much for the feedback, tori!! it’s definitely hard – we want to know so badly but it will be so worth it!
Tiny Santa!!!!
thank you so much for the feedback, jamie!!
Tiny Santa! Love it!
thank you so much for the feedback, sara!!
For some reason, option 2 – the watering hole, really jumped out at me. I guess I’m just a sucker for earth tones.
Seeing your latest baby info has me thinking that I may know what you’re going to have. I look forward to seeing if I’m right. 🙂
i totally love the watering hole one, too!! such a hard decision!! hahaha i would love to know your guess – so many people are guessing boy but then a few others are guessing girl. 🙂
I really like the Tiny Santa. Out of them all, it looks the most gender neutral to me. And when the little one gets here, you can always pull out more “gender specific” colors out of the palette. I really love this idea though! It’s awesome you have something that means a lot to you to center the nursery around. It makes it all the more special! Please post photos when the little one’s room is complete, I can’t wait to see it!
High Heels and Training Wheels
i am thinking Tiny Santa is my favorite, too – but i love them all!! thank you so much for the feedback, lindsey!! and yes! of course!! i will totally share photos!!
love the zebra theme!
thank you so much for the feedback, marissa!!
my fave is the zebra theme…but i can’t believe you’re waiting?! you have so much patience!!
it’s definitely hard because i totally want to know, but i know it will be worth it!