Success Comes to Those Who Keep Showing Up


  1. So well said and written Molly! One thing that I will add to your commentary of Oprah: when you “run your own race”, it is easier to “run your race” from a place of love and abundance, as if to say “look! this is another day I get to run! Yippee!!” Versus when you constantly look at others, compare their “race” to yours, your mindset turns to come from a place of deficit (need more, accumulate more, etc., will then make me successful) and of fear, which is never sustainable for very long. I’m guilty of not always staying in my lane myself however I find that everything is just much more enjoyable when you live from a place of grace and abundance. Love to you Molly!

  2. Wow – talk about needing to hear this! I definitely find myself doing this all the time with my blog, ha-ha! A nice reminder to keep up with doing what I love and not worrying about “keeping up with the joneses”… Also – I say “you do you boo boo”…maybe a little too much! 🙂

  3. Thanks for this! I really needed to read this! I love blogging, but it’s also hard trying to balance everything and sometimes I wonder if it’s worth it. But it is because I do it for me. But it’s also good to know that all my hard work will pay off one day!

  4. So good. God has really been putting that “don’t look back” message in my hear this year so I know He called my attention to it here. I definitely needed this today and it reminded me of a message I heard Christine Caine give one time talking about “embracing your place” and how she just kept showing up. Someone said she was an overnight success and her reaction was “well that was a LONG night.” Thank you for these words!!

  5. Thank you for always being a bastion of positivity and encouragement. I love reading your writing because it always makes me feel like things will work out with the right attitude and a willingness to work.

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