Get Wordy: Doppelgänger
GET WORDY, y’all. This is a new segment of my blog (hooray for new segments!). Since I was an English major in college and I taught high school English for two years, I love vocabulary. In school, I looked forward to making a gazillion vocab flashcards. Honestly, I LOVE words. So, I’ve decided to call this segment GET WORDY where I feature a word of the day/week/month/year that I am currently using, want to start using, or have made up. Yes, I like to make up words, too. I’m an improviser, making stuff up is what I do.
So, for my first GET WORDY post, I’m seeing double.
Today’s word: Doppelgänger
Main Entry: dop·pel·gäng·er
Variant(s): or dop·pel·gang·er \ˈdä-pəl-ˌgaŋ-ər, -ˌgeŋ-, ˌdä-pəl-ˈ\
Function: noun
Etymology: German Doppelgänger, from doppel- double + -gänger goer
Date: 1851
1 : a ghostly counterpart of a living person
2 a : double 2a b : alter ego b c : a person who has the same name as another
Has anyone ever said to you, “You look familiar,” or “You look exactly like someone I know.” Say to them, “Ahhh, must be my doppelgänger walking around.” They will immediately show respect. Doppelgänger is a word that is a force to be reckoned with. I’m just saying.
Obvi. there are a lot of different types of doppelgänger’s, but they are all in essence the same thing: a double of another person (physically or name-ily).
I kind of want to meet my doppelgänger. Or create an alter ego so that I can say that I have a doppelgänger.
*SIDE TRACK: I work part-time at this awesome gallery and toy store called Wootini (@wootinigallery) in Carr Mill Mall in Carrboro, North Carolina. We just got a new toy from Kidrobot in called the doppelgänger. I was REALLY excited. If you live near Carrboro, come check them out because they are pretty sweet.

BACK ON TRACK: So, pretty sweet word, right? Try finding a reason to use it in a sentence today. Your friends will love you for it. Question: have you met YOUR doppelgänger? If so, I’m jealous. Oh, and let me know about it! Tell me your story.