1. I’m new to #YOLOMondays and just discovered your blog! I’m looking forward to meeting all the other bloggers that participate! Thanks for the link-ups! Happy Monday!

  2. You look great! Love the books, especially “Good Night Moon”. One of my favorites to read to the nuggets still!

    xo Lulu

  3. Ugh restless legs are the worst! I experienced that even before I was pregnant, and for me it was often tied into feeling worried and anxious about something. The only thing that’s worked for me thus far is getting up and having a hot shower! Hope it’s just a phase that passes over soon 🙂

  4. I’m so jealous of your hammock. I love them and we don’t have one yet. And good for you taking initiative on staying active!! Can’t wait to see the finished nursery, too.

  5. Good for you Molly. Keeping in shape will help you during labour and it will help you recover quicker and lose the weight. You are doing the right thing, plus you will feel much better during your pregnancy. Love the picture of you in the blue top and sparkly skirt. So pretty.



  6. Your baby bump is looking so cute, lady! Hope everything is going well in there. 🙂
    And WAY TO GO on joining a gym. It’s rare to see women that far along in their pregnancy get up and take action and stay healthy. You’re definitely an inspiration, keep it up!!


  7. I’ve never been pregnant, but I read that staying active during your pregnancy makes for an easier birth. So working out should be a great idea since you are thinking about doing a natural birth!

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