1. I’ve started checking to see when embry may make an appearance. It’s always so exciting to see someone you know get ready to experience all of this, it’s selfish really. It allows me to re-live all the memories of this with my boys. It makes me a lot less frustrated when they spit toothpaste on the bathroom mirror upstairs like I hear them doing right now….sigh…<3

  2. Molly, Your pregnancy reminds me so much of your mother’s…except she had to wear wrist splints her hands were so swollen. I know she is looking down on you and so proud of you. You will be a great mother.

    God bless!
    “Aunt” Sue

  3. I thought for sure that I also was going to beats with my first baby, due August 15th. Surprisingly, my water broke on exactly 38 weeks. You just never can tell, and the baby has its own plans. 🙂 Wishing you lots of luck with your delivery, sending good thoughts your way!

  4. Bah! You look super cute and presh, as always! Ha, baby better come soon because I’m pretty sure my hubs is getting tired of my baby fever with all the adorable pregnant ladies I know! Also, no worries about the text! Just thought I’d see since I was out and about! Talk to you soon!

  5. Oh those questions! I got every single one of them in my last month of pregnancy. Don’t worry, they’ll soon just be a memory when you’re holding your baby!

    Hang in there and be patient, with yourself and others 😉 also, enjoy things like running to the store without a babe in tow. I found myself wishing I could find a drive through that sold groceries the first week I was home alone with Maggie 🙂

  6. I am so excited – it’s almost time! You have remained so positive throughout your entire pregnancy. I’m definitely praying for you, baby and daddy.

  7. I’m sure baby Stillman will come on God’s perfect timing. I’m usually pretty Good at working out and I struggle with 30min! You’re a beast! I’m sure all things will turn out Amazing! Praying for a healthy baby and a timely delivery 🙂 Be Blessed Molly! You’re an amazing woman!

  8. You are in the homestretch! I hear you about the questions…its awful isn’t it?!?! But yet I find myself asking those questions to my pregnant acquaintances/friends/etc. then I have to remember how annoyed I used to get when people would ask me those same things!

    You look really great- take it easy these last few days!! Prayers for a smooth, healthy delivery 🙂

  9. girl i still cannot believe you’re at the gym…I gained 50 pounds too–and was SUPER swollen by this point. BTW…did you end up getting the gentle birth formula?

  10. yay!!! a whole night of sleep is impressive and im sure baby stillman is loving the pineapple!!!! if you have any more doctors appointments this week we should do another lunch date!!!!!! hang in there friend!
    brooke @ what2wear

  11. A friend of mine told me yesterday I need to wear a tshirt that answers all the questions most people ask at my stage of pregnancy, I told you need to make one for being 39 weeks that answers all the pertinent questions people ask you. Praying for a safe delivery and for the baby to come out on his or her own!!

  12. Hang in there, Molly! You are doing a wonderful job. 🙂 And holy cow, how impressive that you’re still motivated to go to the gym and work out for 45 minutes. You’re an inspiration, for sure!
    Keep your chin up, baby will be in your arms before you know it!

  13. I think it would be so funny if you really did make a t-shirt…it would certainly make people think twice before asking you questions about your pregnancy! The baby will be here SO soon!

    The Tiny Heart

  14. I had the worst swelling when I was preggo! I have an hour commute to work and by the time I got home My feet looked like professor Klumps! Not pretty. You look amazing and I think it’s pretty darn awesome that you are working out at 39 weeks!

  15. Love you Molly Mallzzz!!!!! I can’t wait to see what you have. You will do great with whatever comes your way. I have known you since, ummm you were 8 or 9 I think and you are one tough cookie….you get it from yo mama!!! Love you honey and I’m so happy for you and John! I would love to come visit and meet the new bundle of joy, Embry!!!!!

  16. we learned about some sweet acupressure techniques for naturally inducing pregnancy at our class last week. i’ll have to send you a few. they are kind of funny but apparently they work really well!

    ps, you go girl with that 30-45 minutes of elliptical. you make it sound like that’s not that much at 39 weeks…geez, it really is!

  17. You look beautiful and I am so proud of you for continuing to work out and move. Many blessings for you and your baby! Your attitude is so great and I am excited to watch you become a momma, one of the best things in life!

  18. Aww great! Can’t wait to see the baby pics! It looks as though you are having a girl because you are carrying high! At least that’s what my grandparents use to say, Low=boy and High=girl! Well, either way congrats and I looking forward to meeting the baby blogger!


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