Nursing My Littles & 5 Tips for the Mama of the Baby Who Just Won't Take a Bottle


  1. Molly, your blog has introduced me to so many amazing things. Thank you for all your vulnerability and wisdom. You’ve helped me grow as a mom, wife, and fashionista! Thank you! God bless u!

  2. I’ve been breastfeeding my daughter for almost a year now and she has never successfully taken a bottle. I tried at first, but since she was so stubborn about it and my lifestyle allows me to be with her pretty much all the time without much inconvenience, I didn’t fight it. She loves her sippy cup now! If we are blessed with more children, I will probably try a bit harder to make the bottle something we can use since my attention will be divided. Thank you for all of the tips!

  3. What an interesting story. I remember my sister having trouble with latching and my nephew would only take the bottle. She was finally able to breast feed but it took a few days for him to latch.
    xo, Lee

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